Market research
Market research and analysis (Tokyo Tanshi, Totan Research)
Working with 「Totan Research, an in dependent think tank that serves as the investigation and research department of the Totan Group, economists and researchers analyze financial conditions and provide related information. In particular, the group's precise analysis related to each country's monetary policy and financial markets has won high praise from market participants and financial authorities both in Japan and overseas.
Regular publications include the Kato Weekly Report (Japanese and English), Totan Research Monthly, and Fund Demand / Supply Forecasts. In 2019, the company also published Tokyo Money Market 8th edition (Yuhikaku Publishing). The book was written by people working on the frontline of the market, and since the first edition, it has highly evaluated, particularly within the financial industry, as a leading guide to the money market.
System and information service
Information Service
The Totan Group provides global information services such as information provision/sales related to major financial markets and compilation of market reports, through financial information vendors. Providing neutral information that properly reflects actual financial market conditions, Tokyo Tanshi has won praise from numerous clients as a reliable source of information. In order for clients to be able to continue to use the service with peace of mind, the company always does its best to carefully examine data it provides and manages quality.
In addition, as the business partner of U.S.-based Calero-MDSL, Tokyo Tanshi sells market data mana gement (MDM) and telecom expense management (TEM) solutions and has expanded Japanese-language support throughout the world.
System/IT solutions
The Totan Group comprehensively builds, operates, maintains, and manages highly specialized systems and communication infrastructure that meet a diverse range of needs, mainly through Tokyo Tanshi, which is responsible for one part of the market infrastructure, and other group companies. The group is striving to flexibly respond to volatile financial markets and achieve high quality system development and maintenance by melding the rich knowledge and IT technology related to financial markets that it has acquired over the years. In preparation for disasters and accidents, the group also regularly plans and implements training that makes use of backup sites in order to ensure the continuity of operations.